We Provide Each Member with:
Monthly Support Groups
HABI members meet on the first Tuesday of every month.
Time: 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Location: Centre Fellowship Church
375 Hansen Blvd, Orangeville, L9W 0C2
At the meeting, members offer mutual support and problem solving with other group members, education from guest speakers to enhance life following an ABI, and social connection through group activities.
Social Activities
HABI’s social activities with include dinner out in the community, movies, nature hikes, Medieval Times as well as many other activities decided on by the group membership.
Public Awareness Events
HABI helps people by providing a safe place for people to connect with others who are living with or caring for someone with an ABI. HABI provides opportunities to it’s members by social connection through group activities, mutual support and public awareness. (Examples include: ABI awareness, local ABI services, ABI education)